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Lyrics for - Am I Missing an Eyebrow?

I often wonder what would happen if I put my head

next to a highly combustible chamber


Would it hurt me, would it burn me, would it sock it to me,

break me, make me, shake me,  or blow me to pieces?

pieces, pieces, pieces

And I often wonder what if I don't

What if I don't

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing one now?

Am I missing one now?

Leaping off  buildings with 2 by 4's to break my fall

won't hurt at all and drinking lots then running on treadmills


I think I'll go get my tongue pierced again

to go along with my nice prince albert

albert, albert

Maybe I'll just get a tattoo like Jamie, he got it back when he was captain of the sea, wrangling furry lobsters, caught them by 3's, smell my feet do they seem stinky?


Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing one now?

Am I missing one now?

I've always loved the luscious dodo bird and sticky notes and cars with clay

guns and robots, and trying to flip buses


Don't believe the bogus rumors on the internets

the ones about my death

my death, my death, my death

I wouldn't be so stupid, just check my twitter status, plus I've got my safety man Jamie


and I often wonder what would happen if I don't

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

Am I missing an eyebrow now?

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Song a Week #14 - Am I Missing an Eyebrow?

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